Our kids are into all sorts of crazy new things, and now you will know why!

Bye Bye to Flutterbye

Flutterbye fairies were the must have Christmas present for young girls in 2013; They are essentially the ‘Sky Dancers’ of the new generation.  They are fairy inspired dolls with wings, powered by batteries that fly in mid air. It is pretty awesome and I can see why all the kids want one!

Sky Dancers were the 90s equivalent of the Flutterbye fairy, except they didn’t require batteries, or stay and fly in mid air without pulling the string, and you only really got 5 seconds of flying time before they smashed and hit the ground.
Looking back on it, they were pretty crappy in comparison, but I wanted one as a kid because we were all caught up  in the hype!

I have worked in retail for 6 years and to be honest, Christmas 2013 was probably the hardest Christmas I have ever worked.
People are generally very irritable before the silly season due to the stresses it brings in regard to trying to get the perfect presents for their children.

Well, last year, all the kids wanted Furbies, and Flutterbye fairies. My store ran out of both those toys, so it made for a lot of cranky people and “Sorry, we’ve sold out,” wasn’t a good enough excuse.
It is now April, still no fairies! Sorry Kids! You’ve cleaned everyone out!



Comments on: "Bye Bye to Flutterbye" (2)

  1. I want a Flutterbye Fairy! ❤ #iwillnevergrowup

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